The Journey of Travel and Self-Awareness

“Making Good Men Better Since 1853”

Tompkins has stood as a pillar of Staten Island

Free Masons and Accepted Masons are the backbone of our Blessed Country. Many of our Founding Fathers were Free Masons.

R:.W:. Daniel D. Tompkins

This Brothers roots runs deep in this Nations history. Masonically he served as the first Master of this Lodge & as Grand Master of Free & Accepted Masons of New York State. While serving as Grand Master he was Vice President.

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Family, Brotherhood & Fellowship

There are many words that describe Masonry but we feel that these works echo what Tompkins Brothers Stand for. Here we have Men driven to make a difference. We host many charitable events with our Veterans being our Primary focus this year. Staten Island is actually home to the Masonic War Veterans Post No. 6.

Read more about our Masonic War Veterans →

W:. Ralphie Lauda

This is the Brother leading the Lodge into its next chapter. Masonically he is the Master of the Lodge. He acts as President. Other Brothers assist him through out the year and contribute to the betterment of the Craft.

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Freemasonry In the Richmond District

Tompkins Lodge is one of seven Lodges in this District. Thompkins Lodge No. 472 in the North Shore. Great Kills No. 912, LaGuardia Lodge No. 1130, Beacon Light No.701, Huguenot Lodge No.381, Staten Island Lodge No.66 & Widows Sons Lodge. These Lodges Make up the Richmond District.

R:.W:. Christopher R. Deats District Deputy Grand Master of the Richmond District

The District experiencing a vibrant resurgence, thanks to the dynamic new leadership that has taken the helm. Leading this charge is R:.W:.Christopher R. Deats,our newly appointed District Deputy. Him and his District Team are responsible for the Masonic Light of all Staten Island. Alongside him, are Masters and Officers that have been installed in the various lodges. Them bringing renewed energy and enthusiasm to the district. This year promises to be a vibrant and enriching period, filled with a diverse array of exciting events and opportunities for deepening our camaraderie.

“Mastering the Craft of Adaptability”

When I think of Masonry this is what I wrote

In the journey of life and the pursuit of wisdom, adaptability stands as a cornerstone of our Masonic endeavors. Just as the stonecutter skillfully shapes the rough-hewn stone, so too must we, as Freemasons, master the art of adapting to the changing currents, In our quest for knowledge and the betterment of ourselves and our communities, the ability to remain flexible, embrace new perspectives, and adjust to evolving circumstances is paramount.

Through the symbolic tools of our craft—such as the square, the compass, and the level—we learn to maintain balance and harmony amidst the shifting sands of life. By honing this craft of adaptability, we align ourselves with the principles of wisdom, strength, and beauty, ensuring that we remain steadfast and true in our pursuit of personal and collective enlightenment.

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of our existence, let us remember that adaptability is not merely a skill but a reflection of our Masonic values, guiding us towards greater understanding and unity.

Bro. Isaiah A. Castro of Tompkins Lodge

Junior Deacon & WebMaster Extraordinaire

514 Bay Street, Staten Island NY

We Meet the First & Third of every Wednesday