
Without family, we lose a fundamental part of our identity and support system.


Our community is the foundation of our strength.


Though Freemasons are not a religious organization, our duty to our faith remains essential.



Without our country, we wouldn’t have the freedoms we cherish today.


  • ✴︎Upcoming at Tompkins


    Memorial Dinner Cruise for Brother Kevin T. Flannery

    The Richmond Masonic Association – Kevin T. Flannery Boat Ride is an annual event cherished in our District. Each year, the Brothers of Richmond gather to create lasting memories in honor of a Brother who truly embodied the essence of being a Mason. This event commemorates Kevin Flannery by bringing us together for an unforgettable evening.

    This year, we are excited to offer a four-deck boat with open bars on three decks, a dedicated smoking deck with hand-rolled cigars, and a South American dinner menu. The event will take place on the night of September 14th, an ideal time for all Brothers, including prospective and new members, to witness the unity and strength of our Masonic community.

Freemasonry is a centuries-old fraternal organization that promotes moral and personal development among its members through a framework of rituals, symbols, and teachings. Rooted in principles such as brotherly love, relief, and truth, Freemasonry emphasizes ethical behavior, charity, and the pursuit of knowledge. While it is not a religious organization, it respects and encourages the faith of its members, upholding the belief in a higher power. Freemasons value secrecy and discretion, maintaining the confidentiality of their rituals and the identities of their members. Through community service, philanthropy, and the cultivation of virtue, Freemasonry aims to foster a sense of unity and purpose, helping individuals become better versions of themselves and contributing positively to society.

W:. Rafael Lauda

Sitting Master of Tompkins Lodge

W:. John Lentine

Secretary of Tompkins Lodge

R:.W:. Christopher R. Deats

District Deputy Grand Master for the Richmond District

The Richmond District comprises seven Lodges: Tompkins Lodge #471, Great Kills Lodge #912, Staten Island Lodge #66, Huguenot Lodge #381, LaGuardia Lodge #1130, Beacon Light Lodge #701, and Widow’s Son Lodge #1197. Collectively, these Lodges form the “Richmond District,” working together to enhance their community on Staten Island. Through collaborative efforts and shared initiatives, they support local charities, organize community events, and foster a spirit of unity and philanthropy, thereby making a significant and positive impact on their neighborhood.